Thursday, January 3, 2013

ReCap Of New Years

So I'll have to admit I wasn't in the "New Years" Spirit this day. So I didn't do much at all. I just have a few pictures from that day, yesterday and today to share with you all =)

December 31, 2012

 My mom babysat and We were all there! 

We got all the kids to sleep except who? of Course Josiah! So at 11 p.m. I just let him get up and come downstairs with all of us, why not right? We all watched the ball drop(& this is when my phone was dying I didn't take many pictures at all) He played outside for a second with daddy. He was so cranky after the ball dropped. 

He went right sleep !

& it wasn't soon after I went too.

I just had a lil' something that put me to sleep at 12:30 

Jan 1, 2012 

We went out on a little shopping adventure..


I had donuts with SPRINKLES from 7/11! Well technically I had 

one, Josiah def ate the other

&& last but certainly not least, My 3 year old spoiled brat got 

a mini Ipad (paid by who else, GRANDMA!)

Jan 2, 2012 - We stayed in all day.

 Josiah and my mom's daycare kids did some art and crafts



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