Good morning!
it's monday morning, at work again. depressing right?
Linking up for my 5for FIVE today!
Jenn & Jessica

My goals for this week-
1. WORK OUT 3 TIMES- I should have time, being single and all I want my body back!
2. GET MY LAUNDRY DONE AND PUT AWAY-& I'll tell you now, this is a hard one for me! lol
3. PLAN DINNER MEALS OUT- I have been ( pinteresting ) TOO much! I love cooking this should be easy! The hard part is having everything ready to cook & not have to go grocery shopping everyday because I forgot something
4. FIND OUT ABOUT COLLEGE LOANS- blah blah blah ...I don't even know where to start!
5. DO SOMETHING WITH MY HAIR- new me.. so why not chop it off.. or dye it red?! =)
& a added 6.TAKE MORE PICTURES!- this is a must! I'm so forgetful but I'd love to show you all more pictures =)
Wish me luck y'all!
linking up today also with for
This Weekend re-Cap
This weekend I...
1//broke up with my boyfriend 2//went out 3//ate good 4//worked 5//blogged about it yesterday
yep =) what a great weekend!
I didn't get many picture but I'm still new to this blogging thing and I always forget to take pictures! ;)

Molly & LipGloss & Crayons
<3 Christin
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