Wednesday, January 16, 2013

oh how pinteresting

When life hands you lemons, <br />just stick'em in your bra <br />and make your BOOBS <br />look bigger.<br /><br />Happy Hump Day! 

true that

  hey life is too short for matching socks lol

I must confess I didn't work out too much lately. It's a really bad habit! I know you guys are tired of me saying it & I really see it now that I blog about it almost every day LOL. I really wanted to work out Monday & Tuesday but with Josiah sick and a full time job... that's hard. In my goals for this week (5forFIVE)I told myself I would work out at  least once. I will do it y'all will see! My promise to y'all is to work out today!!

On a good note---- Josiah may still b sick (inside) but he def IS NOT ACTING SICK! Yep my hyper little 3 year old is back and full effect! whew also I have today off and its raining outside so there is nothing to do....BUT WORKOUT =)





& Always WILL!


my poor sick                   baby




Source: via 'Bobbi on Pinterest


Source: via June on Pinterest


even though I say my next one, will never have a passy!


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