Monday, January 7, 2013

Skin Cancer - Ain't Nobody Got Time For That

Get to go see my Skin Cancer doctor today. Not exactly jumping for joy... But if there's something going on, i definitely want to catch it quick... Like last time.
I thought about putting up some bets on Twitter and Facebook. "How many excision surgeries do you think I'm going to have to have this year? I'll say 2. Who's got the Over/Under?" But I didn't think anyone would find this hilarious but me. hahhaha.
I mean, what is the use of worrying or freaking out or fearing? No amount of that is going to change your fate, so you might as well roll with it. AND PUT SUNSCREEN ON YOUR KIDS AND YOURSELF EVERY FREAKING DAY.
Last year after both of the surgeries, it took me a long time to get back to normal, I don't know if it was medication or something psychologically deep inside me, but I just had no energy, and I just wanted to be back to myself again, albeit minus a couple pounds of cancerous flesh. All borders upon excision were clean last year. So if they have to filet me this year, hopefully the same thing happens.
The only thing that bums me out, is that if I WERE to die, i know my kids and friends wouldn't have as much of a fun day-to-day as they have now. I pride myself on that. LOL. And being alive is wayyyyyy cooler than being dead. So hopefully I go there today and they say everything looks great and normal and send me on my way.

REMEMBER: I had NEVER had a sunburn IN MY LIFE, and I still had skin cancer. If you haven't ever had a skin cancer skin check. CALL TODAY. JUST GET ONE, IT'S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL.
I see Dr. McFalda and Dr. Kopitzki at:
Clarkston Dermatology 
5701 Bow Pointe Drive  Clarkston, MI 48346
(248) 620-3376

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