Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Photo bomb; Birchbox; Formally Blonde

now I forgot to post these pictures, from the Ipad that we took on our CRAZY a$$ trip to DC (last post)

so here they are!! 

the car ride.... (8 hours in this truck!)

my cousin and her son Eric

knocked out for an hour

Formally Blonde

Us riding around around and around in circles 

Obama had it on LOCK DOWN

the only view we could we could get 

of course he wasnt looking butn the background is beautiful!!

 My picture man took this..(my 3 yr old!)


I got my first birchbox in the mail today!

here is what was in it...

I haven't tried anything yet. I will do a full post soon! I can't wait to try everything but I just had to ask someone else.... does this look USED to you?!?!?  -___-

ok thats what I thought.. ( & dont mind my dirty bare finger nails) lol


Last but not least!!!! ahhhhhh did it!

I have been talking about change for quite sometime... and I did it.

I'm officially a Red head or maybe not but ya kno what I mean.. yesterday I was blonde (picture posted above) and now I'm "light intense auburn" LOL I also tried this new facial mask.. Yes to tomatoes. I dried really quick and my face was soft after! i'll keep you posted on it because my new routine has a facial mask in it at least onc a week from now on!


linking up with these ladies for weigh in wednesday, what im lovin, and oh how pinteresting! 

I worked out and had about a five mile walk on Monday!

i'm loving my family!

and these on pinterest..

ok ttyl , or very soon rather =) I'm co-hosting a blog hop tomorrow! check me out around 12 am! Holla!

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