Sunday, January 6, 2013

Best Man Street Style of All Time - Clarkston

"With all due respect..." Clarkston is the home of the most boringly dressed men on Earth. I try to do my part in spicing it up, I get Stonewash in some cool stuff. Encourage all my homies to get they coolest threads on and to not default to the typical uniform of "Dad Jeans" and some crappy boring button-down.
M and I were Krogering this morning and I saw this guy, I thought I was having a fever-dream. NO MAN IN CLARKSTON WOULD HAVE THE STUGOTS to just rock the hell out of a khaki kilt. I said to M, "OH MY GOD! Check that guy out!" she was like, SO AWESOME. and we had to go talk to him. When I approached him, i felt like I was walking up to this mythical creature, i didn't want to scare him off. I asked to take his photo for my fashion blog and he asked, as all men ask when i take their photo, "For Good or Bad Fashion?" I said, look at what i'm wearing, what do you think? (I had on my glasses, a bowtie, yellow plaid coat, plaid fedora, pink scarf, moon boots, etc.) I was like, "GOOD!!"

DUDES. express yourselves. wear what you want. be who you are. don't be scared. just do it. it's what makes you amazing and makes me love you.

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