Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Celeb Lookalikes either we Love or Hate

One thing that I think is super interesting is that when you tell someone that they look like a celebrity, they usually think that that celebrity is REPULSIVELY UGLY. I used to work with a girl that was the spitting image of Sarah Jessica Parker, and it was during the "Sex in the City" hey-day, so everywhere we went people would say "YOU LOOK LIKE CARRIE!!" and she just hated it so much. So I thought about some of the celebs that people have told me I look like, and some of my friends, and here's what they had to say.

1. Teena
Look at this striking beauty. I mean, she should be a celebrity herself. The alabaster skin, glowing brown eyes and silky hair, she is just gorgeous. People tell Teena she looks like Kate Beckinsale (below) and she likes that. I mean, Look at that photo of Kate! It could be Teena, it's crazy!

 But people also tell Teena that she looks like Anne Hathaway.
To which Teena says, "She looks like a Farm Animal". LOL

2. Graci
 This is my cousin, she's a MARVELOUS ACTOR, WRITER, SINGER, she has more talent in one of her baby-toes than most people have in their whole body.
Then comes along this Malin Ackerman chick...
Malin looks so much like Graci, that she should be Graci's stunt double. Or they should play twins in the newest "The Parent Trap" remake. One time Malin dyed her hair brown, and I was like, "come on lady, don't be that much of a copy-cat on my cuzzie." geeeez.

3. Bryan
Check out my Boy "Spike" aka Bryan, this Canadian-Italian Stallion gets told he looks like Ted Mosby from "How I Met Your Mother". I think that Ted Mosby WISHES he looked like Bryan so he could slay the laydeez with his intense vibes like Spikey-Pie does. 

4. Martha

I think this Martha / Franka Potente one is ON POINT. Especially since I came up with it myself. haha. Martha used to live in NYC and everyone would come up to her every day and say, "OMG, RUN LOLA RUN!!" and "it must have been awesome to date Jason Bourne!"

5. Me

Oh goodness, I get told I look like EVERYONE. and 99.9% of the time when I meet someone for the first time, they say, "you look so familiar to me." I guess I just have one of those faces. And since I've had every hair color known to man, I've looked like every female on the Screen Actors Guild apparently. Since I'm blonde right now, I get told I look like every single brown eyed blonde in America and Beyond.
 After seeing this photo above of me, someone told me I look like Poppy Montgomery. I WILL TAKE THAT, SHE IS GORGEOUS.

about a year ago...
After I had Jr, and Beyonce had Blue-Ivy. We looked exactly alike. Another one I WILL TAKE AND RUN WITH. thank you very much. 

Last week, I was with my coffee shop friend Jose, and he said I looked like Hilary Swank...
My hope of all hopes is that he meant Hilary Swank in "Karate Kid".

When Grey's Anatomy came out, EVERYONE TOLD ME I LOOKED LIKE Katherine Heigl...
Brown eyed blonde, but I think our face shape is totally different. and I am not a fan of hers. so that comparison I did not like.

Who do people tell you, you look like?

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