Friday, January 25, 2013

Greetings from the French Riviera!

I feel like I'm already running behind with this blogging cause I'd have so much to tell you guys. I arrived in Nice early January with my friend Fanny to study here (our exchange semester). The first day of school we met lots of new great people and we come up with all kind of fun and crazy things to do together. I've been here for only three weeks but I already feel like I would've lived here for longer, the city feels like a home and I love it. I love my apartment and the neighborhood. It's in the center so everything is close. I managed to open a bank account and get a gym card, they have Les Mills classes which is great. Now I just gotta wait for my French sim card to arrive.

The weather here has been really ideal. It's been varying from rainy and below +10 to +15 and sunny, but it's still much better than back home in Finland where people are freezing outside in -20 degrees. Of course we've done some shopping with the girls too. We'll see if I'll post some photos here later. ;)

I've also done some traveling already. We went to Florence, Italy the other weekend and stopped by at Pisa to see the leaning tower. It was amazing. Took a while to climb up those stairs and the weather was really rainy all weekend but that didn't bother us at all. In Florence we had this great dinner and to quote my friend Helen "amazingly cheap wine" :D We also experienced the Florenzian nightlife. The following day was a bit more relaxed as we walked in the rain and went to visit the famous statue of David, il Duomo and then paid a visit to Gucci's flagship store in Firenze. I had to go there, it's the home of Gucci so a little shopping there was a must. The weekend was a success, we had a real road trip with two cars.

Tonight we're probably gonna head out and have dinner at this amazing place in Nice Old Town, Vieux Nice called Wayne's. If you ever go to Nice then that's definitely one place you gotta visit. It's very international, great food and music and from what I've heard it can get a little crazy at night...

Here are some photos from my time here

                                          The Christmas decorations at the Christmas market in Nice

                                          First day of school


                                                    The leaning tower of Pisa

                                          Gucci flagship store in Firenze

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