Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Street Style - Metro Detroit - TATEY CAKES

This is my favie favie SUPER STYLIN TATEY CAKES. omg, i love this girl. she is so super cool. She has the coolest dad of all time. and PLUS, my son is going to marry Tatey's little sister in about 30 years from now, so we will soon be family.
Not only is Tatey so amazing, but she has great taste in clothing. She wears Doc Marten's. She wears cheetah print at every opportunity (obvs). She has GREAT MUSICAL TASTE. and she also loves Harry Styles hair, which everyone should, it's freaking amazing.
I love this girl, she has the greatest most awesome energy and light about her, I just can't say enough good things. This is the amazing thing that happens when your GREAT AWESOME SUPER-RAD friend has a wonderful life and creates progeny, GREAT AWESOME SUPER-RAD kids. I just love this girl and family so much. I want to build a compound for both of our families to live in and listen to Rancid and the Ramones all day. Oh, and a little Black Flag too, of course.

Tatey's Outfit:
Vest - Old Navy
Boots - Thrifted at The Sal (heck yeah, what a find!)

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