Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dynamic Posing 101

We have rehearsals for the *Mandareandare* Fashion Show, which is Feb 2nd (you all should come), tonight, so I wanted to practice my Dynamic/Tree-Like/Animalistic posing. To me this came most naturally mimicking the movements of dance, which Johnny B, who is directing the show also suggested. There is so much beauty in dance, and the art of really creating these significant lines with your body and soul to present a frame of loveliness. 

So I thought, what can I do with this body of mine? I have these extensive appendages... So I decided to take a cue from the gorgeous Karlie Kloss who famously said, "I have six-foot of long limbs and I just let them fly."

Here is a typical Latin dance hold. Makes me want to go to the Salsa club so badly. Arching and curving everything, letting the beat of the music take hold of your soul and shake you inside and out.

I'll call this the "elegant Ostrich". I imagine that the clothing they would put on me would hang nicely off of that stance.

This is inspired by Audrey Hepburn in "Funny Face". I love that movie SO MUCH, that they almost didn't let me graduate from college because I *kind of* stole it from the dorm video rental and wouldn't give it back. I just love that movie. Dovima is in it, j'adore, my ALL TIME FAVORITE MODEL. Fred Astaire plays Richard Avedon, whom I love so much.

 This is very acacia tree. Creating illusion of angles and curves in a body that may not have them. That's one thing I always tell people about being in photos, you look however you want to look. It's all about body placement and clothing and color. It can be so good and flattering, or so awful and ugly.

 I thought, maybe I'll do some yoga. Kind of tree pose with Monkey arms? Sure, why not.

I tried to do the "Dancer's Pose" but alas, that is as far as I could get my leg to bend. hahah, Maybe I should go back to yoga. But I am on a heel, mind you. so i should get some credit, right?

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