Friday, January 25, 2013

Caleidoscope of Color - Teena

 I love Teena. She doesn't want to admit it, but SHE IS AN ARTIST. She makes all kinds of wonderful stuff, check out her blog - Berry Favorite Things (click here)
PLUS, she made this shirt THIS MORNING!! omg!!
How Gangsta is that, "hmmm, I have nothing to wear... So I'll just design and create a shirt RIGHT NOW."
It reminds me of a Prince interview I saw one time, where he said when he's bored with music he just creates some. You know you're talented when you can just do that.
 She used a technique called **Sharpie Tye-Dying** (click here for how to do it.) It's so funny, I have such intense smell memories, that reading "rubbing alcohol" in the instructions for this almost made me pass out right now. (needle anxiety) gah.

AND LOOK AT THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERRRRIIIIOOOOUUUSSSSLLLYYYY!!!?? Vintage Miss Piggy Earrings. How freaking amazing. I love them.

Rest of her outfit:
Cardigan - Target
Jeans - Thrifted
Hair Scarf - Hallmark

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