Monday, January 28, 2013

Tired but happy

Today was the longest day at school so far. Didn't get much sleep last night since I was watching Ocean's Eleven (classic) on tv and trying to work on some school projects yesterday. My first class started at 9.30 so thankfully not an 8am. After that we rushed to the cafeteria to discover the long line and decided to find lunch elsewhere. There was a nice little pizza place outside school and their chèvre panini sounded particularly good, and it was.

It felt like time went by slowly but thankfully the day was over sooner than I thought. Since it was late the bus was rather empty so the ride home didn't take too long. There was a bump on the road though on one stop where someone apparently had had some kind of a seizure and there were police cars, an ambulance and a stretcher. I was so hungry and tired when I got home so I decided to just take it easy the rest of the night and hit early to bed.

Been gone for almost a month now so I miss certain things from back home like the food, (don't get me wrong, the food is great here too) my family and of course our little family chihuahua Oliver. He is the cutest thing in the whole world. Here's a picture of him.


                           Little Oliver

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