Sunday, January 20, 2013

Man of Style: Stevo. Three Looks in One Day!

My love for Stevo is unparalleled, everyone knows that. He is CONFIDENT, he is WONDERFUL, SMART, RAVISHINGLY HANDSOME, HILARIOUS, shall I go on?????

He had three very different situations to sartorially prepare himself the other day, and he shared this for me, and his inspiration for the selections of each. This is fascinating. 

Ensemble One: Licorice/CandyCane SuperStar who knows obscure facts about Frozen Mammoths
In his own words:

"I do seasonal work for a outdoor holiday lighting company, so we have

  • to wear those red shirts that the company makes us buy (they're only a
  • couple bucks), the Hat I won at Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum
  • located in Farmington Hills, MI, and in my opinion, one of the best
  • places on the Earth. Black Levi's jeans, same belt/buckle as before.
  • Note the coupon for Quizno's. Not shown is my $0.92 Home Depot canvas
  • utility pouch. Couple hours in this before I go to my talent agent,
  • and get a shower, shave leading to:"
Ensemble Two: Full of Chagrin-Possibly Homicidal-O.P. (Original Paparazzo)
In Stevo's own elegant prose: 
"One of my other jobs is that I'm occasionally called on to dress up in
  • funny costumes, and bother people at events. This evening's role
  • called for "Skip Scoops: Photo Journalist for the Tampa Bay Tickler"
  • or something, I can't remember how many names I made up for that
  • evening. We were working a Paparazzi gig where my buddy Howie and I
  • dressed up as old timey tabloid reporters. The hat, trench coat, press
  • pass, and cameras belong to them (Forte Talent, Howie's company).
  • Shirt, & Bowtie are thrifted. The vest and pants are Altamoda.
  • Naturally, I wore the same dirty, purple Converse Chuck Taylors
  • All-Stars that I wore at my other job.  Note the creepy whisper thin
  • mustache I left on after shaving." **Editor's Note: Love the 'stache**
Ensemble Three: The Captain of a Ship that will bend your mind around the Earth and leave you gasping for more. 
Per Stevo:
"After that job, I shaved off the 3 day crustache, and went out to a
  • bar & grill we go to in Gulfport. I realize the picture was taken in
  • the day, but it's what I wore that night (and am currently still
  • wearing now). Acid washed (probably?) jeans that fit better than any
  • pants I've ever worn. The good thing about living in Florida is that
  • there are a lot of people who share my 35x28 pant size. The shirt was
  • bleach/tie-dyed by me. Captain's hat was purchased at a Marine supply
  • store. I ate a ton of squid, and drank rum & pineapple all night.
  • Today, I'm going to go to a best selling author friend of mine's house
  • and play video games, maybe talk about ideas for a play."

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