Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Art of Fashion Ads - Olympic Gold to D&G

I was flipping through an old Vogue magazine from last year, yesterday... I just am obsessed with looking at Fashion Advertisements... Every single one, I stop, regard, decide if I "believe" the model... Look for obvious/bad photoshopping (there is usually a lot), look for chemistry amongst models pictured, lighting, mood, beauty, etc. It's a very scientific process. I decided my FAVORITE campaign from last year is Dolce & Gabbana's featuring Monica Bellucci aka "the most beautiful woman in the world to me" (witness my obsession with her here)
Her face looks like a classical painting. Her body looks like it was carved from the finest marble, I just love her, and she has such mystery behind her eyes, I'm just smitten. 

I love these Dolce & Gabbana Ads, they all tell a story. All the people in the ads do a wonderful job playing their part. It's more like candid photos, or stills from a movie than straight ads, and I love that. It reminds me of when I was in college and my friends (male and female) and I would read the Victoria's Secret catalogue like a comic book, thinking and reciting the story-lines and situations between the women. This obviously did not really exist, and may have been influenced by several psychotropic factors, but I digress. 

 In this one I feel like the women know that their photo is being taken, but all others in the frame do not.  Monica is getting frustrated with the photographer, and the younger woman is just going to hold that pose until the shutter slams shut.

 These people are all in the same family. They're going to a party, perhaps an anniversary party, everyone's had a couple drinks, they are all glad to see each other. Cousins from far off lands.

 The boys are being naughty. Their mother is screaming at them, and everyone else is amused by the scene.

 Obviously a wedding. Everyone involved is happy with this pairing. There are bottles of Chianti open on every table, someone had to pick Nonni, because she has always refused to drive. The bride's father has the tie on, and he's been shedding tears of joy all day.

They have taken a vacation to the island of Capri. We are buying the children cotton candy from this very handsome man, the aunt loves the attention she is getting from him, and all the young women are jealous.

Everyone is leaving breakfast on a Sunday after several hours of laughing and drinking and catching up. The rest of the day will be spent with their individual families relaxing and remembering the fun their had earlier.

 Lake Como, a young man is going from vacation house to vacation house playing songs on his mandolin for tips. The women quite enjoy this, dance the afternoon away and invite the young man in for dinner later.

They are all waiting, and spy this woman coming down the street with the leopard cape. She's lovely, no one knows her, they all wonder who she is.

(I especially love this one because the bride is obscured, that's so unexpected) The wedding service has been performed, everyone is waiting for photos. Everyone is drunk off the aura of joy and lightheartedness that surrounds them.

I have lived this situation. LOL. The boy is about to go to some formal outing, runs down to the water strips off his formal clothes (that his mother would like to keep from getting dirty) and gets ready to jump in the turquoise sea with his underpants on. The mom is saying, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I just got this whole family dressed and ready! Don't you dare!"

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