It's Friday, I'm at work over night shift as usual so I'm writing this up at 2, 3 ,4 in the morning to please excuse if anything is written wrong! lol I'm still new to this whole blog thing, so I'm still trying to get organized in my posts because sometimes when I look at them over and over again they look very sloppy and unorganized...which is definitely something I've been trying to get better at ,well pretty much for my whole life lol. so please bare with me!!!
Today I am linking up with Whitney over @,
for her one time only link up called "The Facts of Me"..
I'm really bad at making up random facts in short notice
so here goes
- I am a recovering nail bitter -- I put acrylic overlay on my nails to stop this habit! & I am so glad i did!
- I have an addiction for food -- Among other things I really really really love food. I will eat just about anything and sometimes over eat!
- My type of music would be R&B, hip hop, and rap music -- Now I don't discriminate when it comes to country, rock, or pop. I just prefer my picks. =)
- I repeat myself a lot -- for some it can get annoying and I do want to apologize in advance lol
- I have an addiction for nail polish -- I am border line nail polish hoarder!
- When i was younger I hated taking showers -- LOL! I can't believe I'm telling yall this.. but when I was younger I use to fake like i was in the shower by running it and sitting on the toilet.. eww! now I take two showers a day!!! LOL
- I'm not your typical blogger -- or maybe I am?! idk.... I'm not 21 married with kids (the happy family blogger), I'm not a SAHM (stay at home mom), I'm not a college student, I'm just a 25 year old mother of one, with a boyfriend, living with my parents, and has a full time job that loves to meet new people and write what I'm feeling here and there!
- I am addicted to Pepsi Max -- or diet coke, regular coke just taste so nasty to me now.. I can't stand it. I can drink regular Pepsi & Dr. Pepper. I need to drink more water!
- My favorite TV shows at this point and time are Bad Girls Club, Revenge, Law & Order; SVU, CSI; Miami, Catfish, Buckwild, and the Carrie Diaries -- Yes I watched the first show, and now I'm hooked! THANK GOODNESS for DVR!
- People in the real world are so annoying! I love my bloggy friends hahahah
- I have a shopping problem -- I tend to buy something that I think I will wear, & never wear it. I believe it's called compulsive buying!! yep that's me!
- I love vegetables! So I grow my own!! -- I have actually been growing my own garden for the past two years and I plan on doing it again this year, just maybe with not so much stuff so I can actually get vegetables hahahaha!
- I think I have ADD -- I can never keep my mind in one place, It's like everything is all jumbled up in my head! same goes with my body, I get bored easily! I can't seem to keep my legs & feet still, I bounce them when I'm sitting down like I'm nervous all the time.
- I like to start projects & then I either get lazy (& and finish them) or most of the time forget to finish them! -- which takes me to my next fact ,
- I have a really bad memory -- you would seriously think I did/ or do drugs.. I'm so serious but I never/ and don't do drugs.. unless the Fake sugar that they put in my diet drinks are killing my brain cells foreal.... idk maybe?
- I really am too nice! -- when I want to be!
- I am a cheap-skate -- if that is how you even spell it! lol I am really weird when it comes to this! & I think I get it from my momma. But I will go really really cheap with certain things and then again I will also splurge on other things that I might not need to be spending a lot of money on.. it's like I'm a picky cheap-skate....
well I can't come up with any more but you should link up!
I'd love to see everyone's facts!
& If your new to my blog -- welcome!
Please let me know by leaving me a comment &
ill be sure to visit your blog as well!
My Usual Friday Linky Parties! ;)

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