Monday, January 28, 2013

Guest Speakers?

I am so new to blogging, and i have been taking a look at some of my posts and hey to be honest, i look really boring, because all of my posts are kinda layed out the same for every day. lol! Sorry for that & this is why i want to [not link up every week to my linky parties] just every other week, and also do some guest posts!

 I am pretty sure that my 75 readers (which im ecstatic to have gotten that many in the past month of blogging BTW!!!!) want to see some change in my posts! and what better way to do that then have other people write my blog posts for me! if you would be interested please comment your email.

 If you know what your doing.... let me know that as well lol  { & hey } if you've never done a blog guest posts before we can both start together here!! =)

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