Tuesday, January 1, 2013

NYE 2012 Re-Cap and Fashion No-No's for LIFE

M was still not feeling super well last night. Jr was shipped off to grammas, so we were prepared for a super chill NYE with popcorn and My Little Ponys and a little Hide and Seek. But then as the sun went down, I put some music on and M started rockin to the beat. I thought, "IT'S NYE! LET'S FIRE UP AND DO SOMETHING!!"
So as I got my workout on, we got this party started.

There is a place by our house that has lots of games for the kids, but also a bar and restaurant, pretty much the greatest invention in the world. Also, they were having a band, so BOOM we decided to go there. As you can see, my NYE ensemble consisted of a fabulous Hipster Grandpa Sweater and GIANT hair. Also, i wore my super rad Ali McGraw cashmere jacket.

NYE is MARVELOUS for people watching. (my most favorite past-time). I saw 2 individual women, not in the same group of people, wearing sequin tube tops. Let's just not do this. Come on. I NEVER talk negatively about people's fashion, i don't want to scare anyone into some lame-o vanilla existence, but this is just unacceptable. You know why? Because this is what JC and I wore when clubbing in the early 2000s, and those fashions should STAY THERE. they had their place in the sun. there. only.
 See. I am not joking. Witness below. oh the shame. (circa 2000)

Other clothing items that JC and I wore that should never see the light of day again...

1. The Chunky Boot

2. The Micro-Skort (which we wore with the chunky boot)

3. The tie-on top ( I hate to say it, but I had MANY of these) the horror
see, here's me in one below (omg, so embarrassing. PS- this blue one below has NO stomach coverage, it's pretty much a sequined bikini top that i wore out to the club. wow.)

You wanna see some AWESOME NYE Fashion!? Check out my Lovie Cass and her beautiful hubs. Now Cass is doin her dang thang with the CROWN, the SPARKLY DRESS, and THE JAMMIE PANTS. She's got comfort and glamour all rolled into one. And when you are as amazing as Cass, you can pull this off because she's so hilarious and fun. I love her.

Another great thing I saw was this super-radical watch. How sweet is this??
 Here's a better picture, you can purchase it here (click here) I freaking love this thing. I mean, three opportunities to tell time? YES I need that. I wear a diesel watch as well. I really love this one, and kind of want it, but it's freaking HUGE. The guy that was wearing this said that he is obsessed with watches and buys a new one about every 2 months. I would love to go through his watch wardrobe if this is just one example!


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