Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Vappu celebrations in Nice

Like I said earlier there aren't really any traditional celebrations here during this holiday. That didn't stop us from having fun. A part of us was gathered at la maison du Canada, aka Ginella, Mitch and Priya's in Old Town. It was very warm and a bit raining outside even in the middle of the night. We had fun and everyone was in the Vappu mood, especially team Finland. There were balloons, paper streamer and Vappu hats everywhere.

It was my dear friend Robin's birthday (as it was my sister's 20th and my dog's birthday as well) so when he entered later we all sang happy birthday loud and clear and he got his birthday shot. Afterwards we continued the party for a while at Clara and Fanny's place. The music was on, everyone was talking and Lukas actually made me feel more like the Finnish Vappu by offering me something that reminded me of sima (mead) with raisins of course. ;)

Priceless face ;)

On the way home for some reason we decided to stop at Place Massena. I think we were there for at least half an hour, just hanging out doing nothing and taking pictures.

Double attack

I had a different Vappu than usually without my hat and overalls but I still loved it.

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