Friday, May 17, 2013

Farewell EDHEC

It has been almost five months and now it's over! No more classes, no more exams here at EDHEC in Nice, I'm done! I feel both relief and grief at the same time. On one hand I don't want this experience to end, on the other hand I'm relieved the summer vacation has finally started. :)

The international coordinators at our school had organized a little farewell session for exchange students with some nice snacks and refreshing drinks. We ate and mingled and realized it is finally over. Our long journey has come to an end. Maybe that's what made me so emotional today too, that it's actually over, I just can't believe it yet. Perhaps I sound stupid but that's how I feel. We were also offered a nice little parting gift. Can you guess what it is?

I'm gonna miss everyone so much! A lot of new experiences, friendships, places, memories. Thanks EDHEC and thanks to all you guys! LOVE YOU! <3

Top: H&M
Jacket: Ralph Lauren
Jeans: Zara
Bag: Chanel
Scarf: Hermès

Shoes: LV

Our beautiful school

Team Finland :)

My dear Helen <3

Delish I must say ;)

Exactly what I needed! :D

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