Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Day in Eze

Our little group gathered at the bus stop near Place Garibaldi rather early this morning. The sun was up and the day was gonna be awesome. We encountered a little problem when the first bus didn't take us all in, so Gordie, Ginella, Veronika and Matthias were trapped on the first one, while me, Jantine, Tanja, Ariel and Ondrej had to stay and wait for the next bus. Didn't take too long fortunately and we were back with the others in no time.

We started the hike and it felt like the weather was getting hotter and hotter so Gordie decided to take his shirt off. "You girls feel free to do the same". Yeah right! ;) Obviously I had packed way to much stuff with me cause going up felt really difficult, or then it was just the heat or something. We stopped every now and then taking breaks and we came to this beautiful waterfall. The air around it was so pure and refreshing and the water so nice and cold. We continued the hike up to the Eze village and bought some lunch. Then we went up to the Jardin d'Eze. The view up there was just sensational. If you go up there it's a must-see and the entrance to the garden is really worth it.

Oh just look at the colours...


and boys :)

So refreshing

Incredible view

Lunch in the garden

We stayed up there admiring the view and enjoying our lunch and the sunshine. We could've stayed there for longer but then everyone felt like now it really is time for the beach so we started walking down. It went a little faster than going up. We literally ran to the beach once we acknowledged it and got rid of our clothes really quick and ran into the water. It was soooo nice and cooling. You could see the different colours of the water, green and blue and some yachts around the area as well. I know I should've been smart and stayed home studying but what can you do on gorgeous days like this? I hope Gordie's been more productive than I have leaving the beach earlier.

Happy memories! Smile girls! :D <3

We were all on our towels enjoying the sun and taking a few more dips and swimming some more but then it was time to get back to Nice. The bus driver thought the bus was so full he didn't let us in so we took the train and on the Nice Railway Station ran into Fanny, Clara and their friends who'd been to the beach at Beaulieu Sur Mer.

At this point everyone was hungry again so we grabbed some pizza and sat down to eat it at a park on Gambetta. The park was full of kids playing around since it's an official holiday today. I arrived home and got a message from Iiris so I headed back out for a while to still walk a bit on the Promenade until it started raining and it was really time to go home. We passed by a sports bar playing the Sweden-Canada IIHF match, which didn't turn out too well for Sweden. They lost 0-3 to Canada. Better luck next time. It's never nice to lose on your home arena.

Thanks guys for an incredible day! We were really blessed with the perfect weather too! ;)

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