Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cannes Film Festival

Sorry for being absent for a while. My time in Nice is almost up and I've been traveling and taking care of things. Anyways back to my current post.

My Cannes Film festival experience didn't turn out exactly how I had imagined because my friend bailed on me. But fortunately I got to experience it anyway. Our plan with my family was to rent cars and drive to St. Tropez for the day, but all the small details made it a little complicated and the traffic would've been crazy. So we took a little day trip to Cannes. After all, it was the film festival. The weather couldn't have been better. We were outside the Palais and I was lucky enough to get offered an invitation to the festival, to see the movie Only God Forgives by Danish Nicolas Winding Refn. The movie was also starring Ryan Gosling. As a true movie fanatic it was an amazing experience for me, walking by the red carpet even if I'm not that familiar with the director. I got to watch it from the front row. I know you're going to watch the movie Lukas so I'm not gonna spill any details! ;)

I have a rather large movie collection, more about that later. Since Cannes is a rather small city we left quite soon after the movie finished. The weather was changing so we girls spent a few more hours shopping back in Nice.

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