Saturday, May 25, 2013

Beet Blueberry Kale Smoothie


Kale smoothies have become very popular. Dr. Oz and even Lauren Conrad are fans of them. Since summer is right around the corner and every one's getting bikini ready I figured a post about kale was appropriate. Some of you may not know that kale is a super vegetable. Its packed with vitamins K,C and calcium. Personally kale is one of my favorite veggies.

This Beet Blueberry Kale Smoothie I stumbled across on Kale is delicious and easy to prepare. Posted by Paul Ahern this is a great alternative to drinking grass. Lets just say a shot of grass first thing in the morning was anything but tasty.

Pre Time: 10 mins.

Cook Time: 5

Serves: 1-2

1 tbsp fresh ginger
1 medium-sized, raw beet
½ cup apple juice
1 banana
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 leaf kale

peel ginger
peel beet
add ginger and beet to blender and blend a little longer than you think necessary. The key here is to blend the beet smooth before you add the other ingredients.
peel banana
de-stem kale
add all ingredients to blender, blend and serve!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

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