Friday, May 3, 2013

Do It Yourself Crafts: Country Canning Jar

If you guys enjoy country home decor  them you will enjoy this do it yourself crafts project from Michelles Country Corner. I stumbled upon this country canning jar project on youtube the other day. Here's what you'll need:

                                                                   An old mason jar

                                                   A battery operated Wicker Candle
                                                          A pice of molding clay

                                                                  A berry reef

                                                                Finished Project!!


Was that not a crafty idea or what? This would look fabulous on the front porch, living room to make it cozier or bathroom.  If you guys try this craft project please email me pics so I can post them!! Is this a do it yourself crafts project you would like yo do over the weekend? What do you think? Thats it for this post. Have a great day!!

"beauty is a lifestyle"
Diva Samai

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