goals for last week ;
1. STICK TO MY BUDGET - i failed, i went to the outlets and used some of my tax return for some new shoes for Josiah, after all it is his money too!
2. WORKING OUT AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK -I worked out, for about 20 minutes two times...
3. GET MAIL OUT - i did not, and i am blaming it on working 6 days this week and having class thursday night.
4. NOT SPEND ANY EXTRA MONEY - fail. went shopping and ate out a lot this weekend..smh
5. START PAYING OFF MY CREDIT CARDS - i did pay half of one card and that is a START!
two out of three isn't bad for me! lol
goals for this week ;
1. ASK MY BOSS ABOUT MY PROMOTION - i know this may seem blunt or even wrong thing to do but i need to know, this is basically to determine whether i need to start searching for a new job.
2. WORKING OUT AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK- I'm actually also in the middle of transition for a new meal plan... with NO CARBS! so this will def be hard on me esp with a three year old that eats nothing but pizza rolls and noodles but I think i might have my mom help me through this process
3. GET MAIL OUT - ok, i didn't do this last week so i need to do it this week
4. GET TO KNOW MY HOTEL & SURROUNDING AREA BETTER - for some reason i have been getting calls from people who want to know everything and anything from ME about the hotel area (Williamsburg, VA) and they get mad and rude with me because I don't know (for instance) how much tickets are to certain places, or what a store sells. LOL this also goes with my promotion, i guess i should know a lot more. (i'm here at work and i have already had two callers ask me questions that i couldn't answer, like they dont know how to use google, and wanted to speak with someone who could help LOL ... i need to be that person!
5. START PREPARING FOR MY NEW MEAL PLAN - like i said before i got an email from Tara, to help promote REVOLT revoltnowfitness.com it's a 12 week program that includes workouts, meal plans, cooking and more. i'll get more into it on or around March 4th when i officially start the program!
this weekend i......
hiding from us, playing on his ipad (thank goodness for that or this could have been a bad trip to eat LOL)
he makes the most craziest pictures for y'all. I told he him smile for the blog .....
my family
me =)
and a serious face hmmmm
1//I didnt take a lot of pictures this weekend, because I actually pulled a double Friday at work 7 AM til 11 PM. I was pretty frustrated by the end of that night, my throat kept feeling like it was going to get sore but it never turned out to be anything. AND I had found out through my cousin that it was National Margarita Day, and I couldn't even get one.
2//THURSDAY night I had my ASAP class.... And boy let me tell you. Walking in a room full of people, that alone scared me! But we had to introduce ourselves and all that shit! I knew I was going to have to do it but damn I would have rather NOT. And come to find out I have to go once a week to AA meetings. smh I just can't deal!!!!!! pray for me please!
3//We had lunch Saturday (I was off) so we went to Chedder's with Josiah. I'm a terrible blogger and forgot to get my picture of my lunch! It was Salman and veggies. Also I did a little shopping for Josiah... few new kicks and outfits for summer. Which reminds me that he has none, and I AM accepting donations (5T) LOL (but seriously, i'll bargain with ya) Saturday night I went out with my family to celebrate my cousin, Gary, turning the BIG 3-0. Again I'm a terrible blogger, so I don't have any pictures of me and him.
4// Sunday I had to work and this morning I'm at work again! Later this evening I will be headed to the airport to pick up my stepsister who is flying in from Germany! I'm super excited to have her here for 3 WHOLE months!!!! lol did you hear the sarcasm in that? I love her to death, but anyone that has had guest stay more then two weeks, can tell you that after those two weeks... well you get the point. Love you Michelle! (if your reading this) hahaha
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