Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Feb 28th - Vanessa - Play Date a Go Go

a da... a da... a da da da dahhhh...

I never wear these booties. Everyone is always telling me that booties are all the rage, and that they can't live without them, I just don't like them. what is up?
I'm going for a playdate today with the kiddies. So I need something I can crawl around on the floor with and something that moves and is non constraining. Hence leggings and Vintage dress topped with Track Jacket, since I am ALWAYS cold, and yeah, it's cold outside today. uh, every day. hahha.

Jacket - Adidas (thrifted)
Dress - Vintage (gift of JC)
Leggings - Meijer
Booties - Target

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