Sunday, February 3, 2013

BEST Football Player Fashion of All Time - Jim McMahon

I love football. I married a Football Obsessive. So I've been watching every single game for the last 7 years straight. I have mad respect for athletes, and this shit interests me. But I never ever had heard of THIS GUY BEFORE!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! JIM McMAHON!!?? WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED? this would have made me a football fan wayyyyyyyy before. I mean, look at this fashion.

At a game, Mr. McMahon got a plain white headband and wrote "ADIDAS" on it with a Sharpie. (IS THIS MAN, ME?) OMG, that is so something I would do. He got fined by the league and SUED by Adidas (for WHAT?? FREE ADVERTISING?) So thennnnn, the next game, he got a white headband and wrote the COMMISSIONER OF THE LEAGUES NAME ON IT. and wore that with an actual Adidas headband, AROUND THE NECK. omg. I love this guy. EFFIN GENIUS!

This photo needs no caption. Are you kidding me? i think the glasses are attached to the visor, there are no arms on the glasses. so far ahead of his time, humans will be gone from the earth before this is in style. Cockroaches will be wearing these in the year 5000... (write that down)

OMFG. no words needed.

Wearing a shirt with his own image on it. I cannot stress this enough, this is a dream of mine to do. OMG, this guy is FASHION STAR OF THE CENTURY.

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