Friday, February 1, 2013

Feb 1st - "The Skin Belt" - Vanessa

 Last weekend I was having beers with a friend, and we were talking about the "Skin Belt" phenomenon of the early 2000s. One of the waitresses at the bar was rocking this look, and I was asked my opinion on it. To me, it looked like the waitress had a Marvelous body, worth showing off, but this look is so dated, it just makes me think that she hasn't updated her wardrobe in 10 years. aka FAIL.

I slayed the "Skin Belt" look on an EVERYDAY BASIS from about 2000-2005. Actually the outfit that I'm wearing in the photo above is THE EXACT OUTFIT I was wearing when I met my husband during those years. That was a go-to for me. And since I am tall, shirts never would go down to my belt line anyways, so by default I was a "skin belt" wearer. Now though, T-shirts and tops are made so long, EVEN LONG ENOUGH FOR ME! So if you're rocking the skin belt now, it just means you're holding onto those baby-T's from high school/college and that's not a good look. Witness the "Skin-Belt" of the early 2000s below...
Kate Hudson in 2002 = Textbook Early 2000s Skin-Belt

 This random chick = Textbook Early 2000s Skin-Belt

 Anna Kournikova = Textbook Early 2000s Skin-Belt. 

We are getting into a midriff trend again IN THIS YEAR, 2013, but it is very different. The 2013 midriff is a riff (please forgive me) off the early 90s, and looks like this...
 See what I mean? this is a fresh reference. The pants/skirt are high-waisted, and the UPPER part of the torso is shown. Rihanna and Miley are wearing this look like it's their job these days. 

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