Friday, February 8, 2013

sHoRt HaIr sTyLeS

 Here's a collection of some of our favorite celebrities who have short hair styles. Remember ladies it doesn't matter how you style your tresses make sure to use a great shampoo and conditioner like Chaacoca line of aragan oil infused products to maintain healthy locks.

Now I could be wrong but if memory serves me right Ms. Toni Braxton was the first to put the short cut on the map  her self titled debut album era.


I always felt Ashley Simpson was an underated Hollywood beauty. She's a woman who can rock a short style with minimum make-up.This speaks volumes.


    Vanessa Hugens always looks youthful with her laid back style and fuscha top.

                                                         Vanessa Hudgens Hair

Ms.Halle Berry...Need I say more?

                                                  Halle Berry Hair

The ever edgy Rihanna.
                                   Rihanna Hair

Michelle Williams and her Pixie. She looks really fresh and clean make-up.

                                         Michelle Williams Hair

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