Monday, February 4, 2013

Caught by the flu

I haven't been sick in years and now I caught the flu. I figured that since I'm spending the cold wintertime at a much more milder climate that I actually might avoid getting sick but I thought wrong. Sunday I could really feel my entire body aching and my nose was stuffy. I also had that puffy eyes feeling. I still thought a walk down the promenade would make me feel better, that maybe it wasn't the flu after all. Well this morning I noticed feeling even worse than yesterday but still dragged myself to school for some classes.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to have a midterm in a risk analysis course, it'll be interesting to see how well that goes. I'm also supposed to have a written test in French class on Wednesday. I was feeling so good last week about getting back to my workout routines and all, and now because of the flu I have to take at least the two following weeks easy. Next week I should only have French since it's the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) running and I'm not taking it, so a little trip somewhere would not sound bad at all.

Now it'll just be some good music and hard studying for the rest of the evening. Wish me luck tomorrow! ;)

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