Thursday, February 7, 2013

New York Fashion Week 2013 - Best of the First 2 days!

Catching up on the NYFW shows of the last 2 days. holy lord there were a lot. I love Fashion Week because it's like looking into a telescope towards the future. These people ARE SHOWING US WHAT WE WILL WEAR 7 MONTHS FROM NOW. Nostradamus-istas, y'all. 

1. Creatures of the Wind
 My first reaction to this collection was "Post-Apocalyptic Lesbian Librarian from the Early 90s" bear in mind all of these words are complementary to me.

2. Tadashi Shoji
*Fun Fact*- I almost wore a blush Tadashi Shoji gown for my wedding, but then thought it was a bit too stuffy for the beach, it was really princess-y. So instead I got a REALLY simple Nicole Miller slip dress.
 The regular wear was so snoozy to me. The gowns were ok. they had some burnout velvet ones that I kind of liked. They also had a lot of full velvets, like this atrocity above.
This dress below I thought was interesting but MAN, it is not even flattering on this chick and she is 6 foot tall and a size 2. Not a good sign for normal human wearers.

3. Erin Fetherston
 OMG love love love. shut up. This pieced eyelet with the faux-boning detail, i effing die. Below, the origami skirt is killing me. I love it.
It's funny, I saw a mom today with a similar headpiece on today and I thought she looked like a fool, but now after seeing this i give her 1 pity-style-point.

4. Costello Tagliapietra
 They had this warm, sanguine, romantic vibe. Like what Katherine Hepburn would wear to go to dinner after hunting in the country.
PS- how cute are these designers!! Below!! I love them. Are they from my hometown? they look like it! I want to play euchre and drink Bud with them right now.

5. Kimberly Ovitz
this was interesting. they also had a Grey funnel-neck jacket that made me want to freak out.

6. Red Valentino
 If you get this jacket, above, and I see you on the street, I will mug you for it. I loved the whole collection. It was like a suggestive dominatrix milkmaid's gear.

7. Veronica Beard
 Loves this above. omg. silk jammies with a hunting blazer and Daniel Boone hat!? Yes Please!!
These "No Feet Pants" I love them. I love this suit. I would wear it in a hot minute.

8. M. Patmos
 Love this collection too. It reminded me of my early college "Thrift Fair" look. I love the exposed Dickie below, so naughty.

9. Skaist-Taylor
 Shut Up, I need more hair. I love the Marching Band Drum Major hat above. and the sash below with the maxi skirt. so awesome.

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