Sunday, February 10, 2013

Can't walk a mile in my YSL's

It felt really hard waking up on Friday morning knowning that I had slept only a few hours. I had a morning class and was focusing on it since the topic was interesting and the professor was talking about our upcoming midterm. This particular professor usually finishes later than others and having this class right before lunch causes of course the situation that you end up at the end of the line in the cafeteria. I still decided to grab something to eat there, most of my friends were busy with working on this huge corporate governance case. I ran into Kristin and we decided to join our friends Lukas, Quentin, Simon and Thomas having lunch outside of school at a burger place. We went up on the terrace, the weather wasn't that warm but there still was some sunshine. Simon also helped me and made the call to Free so hopefully I'll get my French SIM card next week.

Since I had no other classes I took the bus with Kristin and the guys rushed back to school. On the way home I stopped by at Casino to get some groceries and wine for the evening. When I got home I had an hour time to spend after which I had to return back to school to work on our marketing case with our group. None of us would've wanted to be there on Friday evening but it was the only time we could find. We took the bus back home to our places and I just had some quick dinner and took a shower before starting to get ready.

La Nuit Du Pitchoun was going to be held at High Club, probably the biggest and best nightclub in Nice. This was the first time here to get really dressed up so I really took my time. I managed to get quite some curls to my hair, I was quite happy with the result. :) It was time to get the new shoes in use too.

I headed to Helen and Robin's for the pre-party. There I met all of my friends and we enjoyed some wine and chatting with each other before going to the club. I'd never been there so I was really looking forward to it.

When we walked in it was like nothing I'd seen yet in Nice. This was as actual club. The coat room was quite impressive. The bars with the jackets were rotating around. I switched into my YSL's since the 14cm heels really are not meant for walking. Just like J.Lo sings

"Can't walk a mile in my YSL's...
Even if they try they still can't walk a mile in these shoes
They couldn't even lace 'em up right
Honey these pumps are too big to fill
Ten million men can't walk a mile in these shoes"

Though walking was okay dancing, not so much so at one point I just had to switch back to my other shoes, my feet thanked me the following morning. The committee organizing this party had really made an effort. We got to follow a lady performing art by hanging from the ceiling in some cloth, I've never seen that up-close, it was a little scary but marvellous.

 That wasn't all. We thought dancing on the tables was something particular for this club at first but it seemed like that was a planned thing as well when a group of guys jumped up on the counter and took their shirts off, yes you heard me right. They really enjoyed the attention you could tell. ;) So summa summarum we really had a great night!

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