Monday, February 11, 2013

Marry Me Baby

Last Saturday Finland finally chose its contestant for the Eurovision Song Contest through Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (New Music Competition). The finals are being held May 18 in our neighbour country Sweden. I think it is unfair since Sweden already has the main responsibility of the 2013 Ice Hockey World Championships (together with Finland) and now they have this too.

The song the Finnish people chose to represent our country is called Marry Me by Krista Siegfrieds. She's a 27-year old young lady with amazing talent. She wrote this song as a hint to her boyfriend she's been dating for 8 years to finally propose and he promised to do so if she makes it to ESC. Looking forward to seeing what's gonna happen. Anyway the song has gotten a lot of critic, of which a lot has been negative. The Swedish media is concerned about if this is an example you want to set to young women about marriage and love. I totally agree with Krista's opinion on this, she's her own strong personality who does not care what other people think. She knows modern women do not have to follow age old patterns. When asked about how she feels she had said "it's not my problem if people don't have sense of humour".No wonder she admires Lady Gaga, she really was born this way and proud of it, GO Krista! :) What do you think about the song?

Marry Me by Krista Siegfrids (2013)

I haven't had marriage in my plans yet, though before that I'd have to find a guy too. That doesn't mean I can't look at wedding magazines and admire beautiful rings. I know the kind I would love but it's reaching a little too high maybe. Here's the one, my dream ring.

It's the one and only Harry Winston. Actually the kind Chuck gave to Blair in Gossip Girl. 

"Bass has excellent taste. The cushion cut diamond in a tapered baguette setting was designed by Harry Winston. The signature cut is classic Winston—and it embodies timeless elegance.
The ring, as seen above, is 8 carats in size and set in platinum. It is available for purchase at the Harry Winston store on Fifth Avenue in New York. The price is available upon request."

A girl can always dream right? ;)

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