Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Should H&M have a Fashion Week Runway Show?

This morning I was talking to one of my Favie Blogger Girlfriends, Miss Pink Julep (check out her amazing blog here) about the fact that H&M had a runway show at Paris Fashion Week, and about how Helen Hunt wore H&M to the Oscars. 

Ok, so here is my take...
I want to maintain the opulence and fantasy of the Paris runway. I don't want, just because the company has mad cash and global appeal (like H&M), to see Karlie Kloss traipsing down the runway in a cheap badly made tracksuit. 
I want the artisanal details that make high fashion to stay. The expert cut and seaming, the amazing fabrics and techniques, beautiful beading and construction, that is what I love. 
I wear a lot of different clothes, i will go from a totally threadbare T that I bought at the Army/Navy Surplus in 1996 to a Valentino cocktail gown. There is a HUGE difference. When I put on a piece of quality clothing, it just drapes and sits in your body in such a lovely way. Someone that had passion for garments thought it up in their head. The structure of the clothing shapes your body into the best possible you. The lining makes it slip over your body like a feather-light skin. These are the things that I am in love with and the things that I do not want to go away. 
I was asked, "So good fashion should only be expensive?" 
No. And for that reason I am obsessed with Vintage. All the silly dresses and things that I buy at the Vintage stores are examples of the amazing attention to detail that clothing once had. And also why I especially love handmade garments, because LOVE went into them. 
I don't want clothing that will split at the seams in 2 wearings going down the catwalk, glorified, just because the company has the money to do so. I want to save the Paris runway for the objets du art of fashion. The fashion that is more costume and dreams than grocery store wear. 

So anyways, I looked into H&M's runway show... I found that at Stockholm Fashion Week, H&M held a contest looking for new upcoming designers. And the prize was to show the winners designs on the runway. This is cool to me, *high fives* H&M. 

Here are some of the designs by the winner, Minju Kim. And although I would never wear any of these things, I do appreciate and celebrate her creativity, and applaud H&M for fostering young talent and encouraging people to keep fashion fun, unique and awesome.

 Well.... What do we say. This looks like toddler gear, with an oxen-yoke worn about the neck. If you get 2 of these girls together, we can plow a field.

"Man, I'm really jealous of women with GIGANTIC arms and shoulders. I wish there were clothing to give me mad steroid-ish bulk!" Boom, there you are.

I want to dress up like someone that wanted to simultaneously be a vampire bat and hockey player for Halloween.

 I'm glad she has a helmet on along with that breastplate, the world is fierce.

All I can think here is "Furry". You know, those people that dress up like stuffed animals to "Do Stuff", you know what I mean? Wow, another really flattering ensemble.

But even if I hate it, I'm glad it was made. For art's sake. You know?

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