Thursday, February 7, 2013

Just Like Heaven

Sorry for not writing in a while. I feel like this week has gone by with being sick and managing school work. I've also struggled with getting my French phone number. They're supposed to send you the SIM card by mail. I've been waiting for over 3 weeks now and still nothing. Gotta call the phone company (Free) tomorrow.

Today I had no classes so I took it easy and thought I'd spend it going to town and running some errands. Recharged my bus card, got some groceries and also found a few cute things. I've been trying to rest as much as possible since tomorrow is the first big party at High Club. I haven't been there yet and the invitation said

Ladies don't forget your most beautiful dresses, Gentlemen Suit up! The most difficult will be the small "shock" detail that will make all the difference. 

so one can expect an awesome night. I can't wait to get all dressy. Hope I'll feel a little better tomorrow.

Tonight I still gotta get some cleaning done and maybe watch a movie on tv, Si c'etais vrai (Just Like Heaven). Hopefully it'll be possible to see it in English. It sounds like fun, just my kinda movie and something I've never seen. On Finnish television it feels like they always show the same movies and there's never nothing to watch, either the same old or really bad ones.

Just Like Heaven (2005)

Bonne soirée!

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