goals for last week ;
1. GET MY CAR OUT OF THE SHOP - this can go both ways,I paid for the car to get out of the shop, but i haven't really gotten it out yet! i have to tow it like 45 minutes away to the car dealership that bought it from me. and of course when i added the my car(yes i bought a new car!), i forgot that i still had to tow.. and my insurance took that car of so now i have to pay to get it towed! such a hassle.. and just when i thought things were looking up!
2. FILE MY TAXES - I haven't gotten them back, why is that process so long??! but at least I filed!!
3. DON'T EAT FAST FOOD - LOL yeah today i had the double cheeseburger COMBO.... and i'm drinking a frappe as im typing... =D no regrets either
4. SEND OUT ALL MY MAIL - got it out, one day late, but i got it out! -_-
5. DO A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS - I would like to think I did this. i bought a brand new car from a dealership..i gave them their commission right? LOL! ok maybe next week...
goals for this week ;
1. SET A BUDGET PLAN - this is a must since i just gave myself 150 more dollars a month in bills for buying my car!
2. CANCEL ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS - i know, its sad, but i have to be on a budget until i get more income in this is a must!
3. GET ALL MY LEGAL STUFF SITUATED - i knew since the day i got my dui (yes im ashamed, you live and you learn) i would have problems, but this shit is just in the damn way! i have a lot to do
4. GET VALENTINES DAY OVER WITH - yeah, im having some issues with mother nature making valentines day not to appealing LOL there i said it! the only reason i'm excited is because Joe and I are going out to dinner and a movie to celebrate him getting his GED and my new car!
5. START WORKING OUT - with a new car comes a new me right? omg i have to start working out. i feel like blah or maybe that just mother nature talking but shheeeeshh. all i know is for the christmas i got a pair of jeans from Joe that are snug, & i love them, so i need to get my fat love handles off!!! Me and all my friends including Joe, always talk about how were going to get a membership to this ten dollar place, but we never do it! lol it's a damn shame I am doing it this week, BET
this weekend i....
1// bought a new car!!! & im so excited about it, I never thought that I would buy a car brand new car, well it was the demo car for a car dealership but I'M THE FIRST OWNER! I would write this off my bucket list, but I don't officially own it... does it count? lol I'm relieved now... not too much to stress about now.. and I'm so glad I have made it to this point in my life. i'm definitely going to keep growing from here! 2// won my first giveaway! what the fuuuuuuuu ! getting a new car and winning a giveaway all in the same hour was just waaaay too much. I'm super estatic to be on everyone's sidebar for the next few months! and hell I even got $20! 3// went to dinner with a few of my girls. Irene was celebrating her 25th birthday! We have done this once a year for the past few years now and i really enjoy getting together with them! We ate at a hibachi grill, too much money ! that's why im glad thats only once a year LOL 4// sunday i just chilled at home with my love! i've been working every day this week so i really missed him. he is one goofy boy! 5// my Julep Cupid Mystery Box in the mail, I wasn't really impressed on the way it came.. usually you get a card explaining some colors, another card with the month on it but with this box, it just came plain. hopefully i get a chance to swatch them tonight, we'll see how that goes...

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