Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Moving in

Easter Monday was the time I was gonna move to my new apartment. Fortunately it was just across the street so not far away. And I'm getting some company since Kristin is staying with me for the week. It was quite a workout getting all the stuff moved in here. After we had met the manager, gotten the keys and moved all my stuff we went to Kristin's place to get her things. The suitcase was a bit heavy I must say. We walked the whole way and managed to get back inside before it started to rain. My new neighbour and friend from school Mehdi fortunately helped us get the big suitcase up the stairs. Then it was all work done for the night. 

Kristin was so happy about moving in and she even made us some nice and healthy salad for dinner. We spent the evening working on our Researching France report. I still stayed up after and even put the movie The Break-Up in the DVD player in the background since there wasn't anything on tv. When I realized my eyes won't stay open anymore I took a shower and fell into my big, comfy bed and let myself fall asleep between the Egyptian cotton sheets. 

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