Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tuesday, Wednesday Happy Days!

Wednesday was an incredibly great day. I didn't feel like getting up early in the morning but me and Kristin had to so we could hand in our Researching France report we finished the night before. Now that I think about it it was worth it. After finishing this huge work load we headed to the apartment to switch on more summery clothes. We then headed towards Jean Médecin.  We went to Nice Etoile, the local shopping center.

It was the final French class with madame Touflet today so Kristin decided to bake a cake for her class. I left for mine earlier and when I got back home I had a quick bite to eat and switched into running gear. I had a good feeling even if my muscles were quite tired from BodyPump the night before. I challenged myself and it was worth it cause I felt like I could just keep going. Result; 8,7km running and 10km altogether! :)

Kristin made some couscous and we had dinner together with Stéphane and we all talked and listened to some music. It was such a nice and sunny day and I'm hoping today will be nice too.

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