Tomorrow is "call-back day" for an interview I had two weeks ago for the Vet receptionist/assistant job. I'm going to try to stop thinking about it, but please pray she offers me a full time position! LOL Actually any position!
Anyways It's that time again for 5forFIVE

1. GET THROUGH MY 4 DAYS OF OVERNIGHT SHIFT - I'm barely making it ; but lord knows I'm tired with all this stuff I did this weekend
2. GET BACK ON TRACK FOR REVOLT - I did my detox week, you can keep up with me HERE
3. PAY THE GYM MEMBERSHIP - I'm paying it today... & it's about damn time. Now I get my 2 sessions a week with a personal trainer! woot woot
4. APPLY TO MORE JOBS - Everyday!
5. CALLING AROUND TO HAIR SALONS TO FIX MY HAIR - Well I thought about it. .. I'll just leave it like this for now and let it just grow out. I've been dealing with it (being eight different colors) since the second day I tried to dye it "auburn" ha...Who knows, I might just cut it off when it starts to be 100 degrees outside =D
Goals for this week ;
2. GROCERY SHOP FOR THE WEEK - Having the food ready for me to take to work, is very essential in what I eat for the week. I noticed that when I made food for the weekend.
4. PAINT MY NAILS MORE - I've been slacking and I miss doing them regularly
This weekend I....
worked 3 overnights shifts, but I still went home &
managed to do a lot this weekend! Check it out!
eating Schnitzel ; I don't even want to start on
how bad he was this weekend LOL
& Frozen yogurt! I never had this before
but I sure will again cuz it was amazing!
Better then ice cream!
We went to the Zoo ;
went to Blue Bird Gap Farm ;
I couldn't believe he let the animal eat out of his hand!
he is definitely a big baby haha
Then we met friends at Busch Gardens ;
One of the best part about living in Virginia is being so
close to a lot of attractions!
Josiah is terrified of any character that is life size....
That includes but doesn't limit ; Santa LOL, the Easter Bunny,
Chuck E Cheese, & all pictured
SMH I need to get it on video for yall
And I also painted my nails
And this all is the reason for about 5 hours of total sleep this weekend....
How was your weekend?
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