Saturday, April 6, 2013

Korkojen Kera

Even if I've been away from home I've still followed the news and watched some tv shows from back home. Today I watched yesterday's live talk show called Korkojen Kera (with Heels) hosted by two goofy and funny hosts Jenni Pääskysaari and Vappu Pimiä. Their guests this week included even two ministers from the Parliament and they discussed the current issues in Finland concerning dividend taxation. A couple of weeks ago the Parliament decided that all dividends were gonna be taxed with 30% so no more free dividends as before(used to be 30% untaxed dividends and 30% tax from the remaining 70%). Now they have made some more alterations though.

One of the guests was also my (now old) neighbour, tv host and model Niina Backman. They have just moved, it was getting a little crowded with their 3 kids but they're nice people and I wish them the best with everything. She's been hosting the Finnish Idol for example and now a show called Kids Sing, and her husband used to be one of the hosts for a well-known live Saturday night show called Huuma (Ecstacy). That's where they actually met cause she was working on the show too.

They also have a hidden camera part on the show, which they have been forced to alter a little bit since people have started to recognize them around, so in this episode they were dressed up as old grandmothers doing all crazy and hilarious stuff in Helsinki center.

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