Thursday, April 18, 2013

Spa Day

I love pampering, especially going to a spa but I don't really do it that often. My most common ways of pampering is eating something good, going shopping etc. Since I was really in need of a massage because of all the working out I thought I'd combine a "basic need" with a little luxury. I headed to the Deep Nature Spa at the Boscolo Exedra hotel. It was a lovely place and I got to relax for an hour and a half with a deep tissue massage. I have to admit it was one of the most covering massages I've ever had including the abs and chest also.

After my 90 minutes in heaven I switched into my bathing suit and headed to the sauna. It was the first time this year and it felt really nice, the seats were almost burning. Afterwards I took a quick scented shower (yes they had even different scents for a few different showers) and went to check out the swimming pool. Even if I had done a tough BodyPump this morning already I thought I could make my swim into another workout. I relaxed for a bit and then continued by swimming from one end to the other when it suddenly hit me in the middle of the pool; there was a tv in the sauna that was showing an underwater documentary or something and I was already afraid what was gonna happen and of course they had to show a big white shark eating a seal and my eyes caught on that. So I left the sauna without looking at the screen anymore. I'm not sure if I've told you that there is nothing in this world I'm more afraid of than sharks and it's really bad. Even seeing a picture of a (especially white ) shark gets it going. I think it must be the fact that I saw the movie Jaws at a too young age. This is one thing you should not mess with me. So I was there enjoying the pool alone all to myself when the image came back to my mind and I swam like crazy to the other end and up and then tried to swim back fast and get out of the pool.

The whole experience would've been more enjoyable without this. Otherwise I had fun.

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