MTV's Teen Mom Farrah Abramham
I know I'm on a role with the post today but this really got my attention. In case some of you are not familiar with the hit MTV show Teen Mom it chronicles the lives of young mothers and there daily lives as a teenage moms.

Kim Kardashian
One of the break out stars from the show Farrah Abraham's has just sold her sex tape to be produced by Vivid Entertainment which co-stars porn star James Dean read more. Vivid is also the same company behind Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashinan's sex tape which launched both of them into the limelight.
I'm not here to bash anyone for the manner in which they chose to make money. However, I just find it amazing shows like Teen Mom are even on air. I have watched Teen Mom here and there and what I walked away from it is I hope young women would not follow that as an example of what real life would be for a teen mom. There will be no cameras following them nor will they be paid by MTV or any other company for having a child. How do you guys think shows like Teen Mom are influencing young girls?
"beauty is a lifestyle"
Diva Samai
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