Monday, April 22, 2013

The train trip to Milan

Sorry for being absent for a few days but since it's my holiday month with no classes I've done some extra traveling. Me and Kristin finally decided to check out Milan this past weekend. The weather forecast wasn't that good but we decided to do it anyway. It meant getting up at 6 something on Friday morning to make it to the train at Nice Ville 7.25. Did our journey start out well when we were both running late and barely got the tickets out of the machines and had to run to the train and we made it just when the doors were about to close.

We had to switch trains in Ventimiglia so we took a small tour around the area around the train station and found a really nice marketplace. I heard guys yelling after things like Ciao Bella Bambina etc and I knew that yeah, we're definitely in Italy. The marketplace was beautiful too with all the colorful fruits and vegetables and especially the flowers.

After the break almost four more hours remained of our train trip. I heard later from my friend Lorenzo that there actually was a direct train from Nice to Milan before, whatever happened to that. More about our journey later. Stay tuned...

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