Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 1 in Milan

We arrived at Milan Central station around noon on Friday. We took the subway to our hotel and just dropped off our things in the room and freshened up a little bit before heading to the city. It was a nice day so we decided to walk. When we got to Piazza Duomo the real crowd started. It was packed with people, a lot of tourists and you know all those crazy sales guys who try to force stuff on you. Well we didn't manage to avoid that completely. One of them literally took my hand and put seeds in it and before I knew it pidgeons were eating from my hand and he took my camera to snap pictures. I didn't even ask for it and naturally they were begging for money afterwards for doing it. So when in Milan if possible avoid the Duomo area or if you do walk around there be careful cause some of the guys can be really pushy.

We also went inside to see the Duomo of course. I must say it looks much nicer from they outside, the inside didn't impress me much. When we got out we walked through La Galleria, the luxury shopping center right next to Duomo. It was beautiful with all its stores, restaurants and cafés. We found a nice lunch spot behind Duomo and sat down. I'm not a coffee person but usually when in Italy I might try a cappuccino or two. And it was really good there. We walked around the city for the rest of the evening and decided to get back to the hotel cause we both were tired. It was a fun but long day.

La Galleria

Milan - home of Prada

Italian Vélo Bleu


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