Monday, December 24, 2012

The 1980s Leopard Print Denim Suit (holy grail thrift find)

M and I had some errands to run... Getting stocking stuffers and Goldfish, you know, the usual. We just happened to be passing my fav Thrift/Vintage Spot, and of course I had to go in. Upon arrival this amazing ALL DENIM TWO-PIECE 1980S LEOPARD PRINT SUIT WITH GIANT SHOULDER PADS caught my eye. It was like seeing a unicorn, a gnome, a magical fairy. The suit glowed with it's unique deliciousness. Nearly fainting from the shock of my find I ran to the dressing room to get this thing on.
I am a little bit obsessed with Sharon Stone in "Casino" as some of you may know. Whenever I find a suit like this it reminds me of her. Here's my best bitchy 1980s "Ginger" from "Casino" face. Are you kidding me with the shoulder pads? They're fit for a linebacker. ahhahahha!

Check out Sharon/Ginger. omg. if I ever found a **leather suit** like this i would have a seizure.

The legs on these pants are sooooooooooo TIGHT. omg. And there is NO stretch in the material. This is straight up gangsta denim. I had to do this crazy dance to shimmy them on. And getting them over my ankles took about 10 minutes (no ankle zip). But once all the hard work was over, THIS IS THE RESULT. I could probably prowl the 80s savannas of Africa and gazelles would run away from me. After this photo was taken, I really didn't know if I could get them off. I almost asked for help. But after laying on the ground and gyrating like a hooked worm, i wiggled out of them.
Even though, i know i would NEVER wear this thing I want it so bad. Almost to just put on display. It's so ridiculous. I can't stand it.

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