Friday, December 28, 2012

Dec 28 - Vanessa - Size Matters

I needed new jeans. I got some. Check em.

I've been shopping with all kinds of people lately, and I just still think it's funny how freaked out people get by Sizing Numbers. WHO FREAKING CARES. If it fits you and looks great on your body, what does it matter what the number is?

I mean, look at me. I walk into a store and sales people think i am a small size. BUT, or BUTT, in pants/jeans i need a larger size to accommodate the **quad-zillas** and my ample badonkadonk. if you got it, fault it, AMIRIGHT? hahhah.

These jeans are from Banana Republic, great fit, great length. Size 29.
Got another pair from Levis. Super skinny fit, great length. Size 11 Long.
the third pair were from Nordstrom and fit wonderfully, Size 6L.
You figure that out.

Green T - Thrifted
Sweater - Target
Jeans - Banana Republic
Heels - Target with DIY paint job

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