Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ready... Dressed... Spätzle! Part One.

I found these brand-"new" Dead-Stock Vintage Trainers for Spätzle before he was born. I thought, "omg! those kicks are so tite, my boy is going to rock them so hard." He finally fits into them, YAY!

The brand is "Fruit of the Loom"! I just google searched to see if I could find any evidence of that company making shoes, especially baby shoes, and I could not. Look how chilled out Spätz is just maxin in these shoes. He's so hipster he was hipster before hipster was a thing.

"Yeah, I'm like going to listen to records on my 45 that I got at a thrift store and then i'm going to get a soy latte and a PBR and go see a band you've never heard of. I'm so cool."

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