Thursday, December 20, 2012

10 Things Every Woman Must Have

There have always been a plethora of iterations of this list. Always fun to read. I like Marc Jacobs' (click here) list especially since he includes Art, and Broadway and Self-Promotes the Hell out of himself. So I thought I'd answer the question myself and ask my partner-in-crime JC what she thinks.


There are certain things in life that you just need to look and feel your best- for me these are more that just specific products but also things to just maintain your glow!

1.)  If you do nothing else in your day, wash your face & moisturize.  This is so very important to keep young and healthy looking skin.  I am not really loyal to any specific brand but more just dedicated to the routine.  After all, when you are 34 and asked for your id when purchasing lotto tickets, you know it's working!

2.) Eyebrow threading- this is painful but no more so that traditional waxing and it certainly doesn't clog your pores or leave nasty scars/scabs for when your skin gets damaged by people who don't know what temp to keep the wax at.  I have almost never walked out feeling disappointed and you really do get an incredible shape.

3.) Crest white strips- with my love of mocha's and diet cherry coke, these are essential and a great way to keep your pearly whites pearly white.  Your smile is generally the first thing people look at- keep it beautiful!

4.) MAC make-up - I have tried a ton of different brands and for skin care and coverage MAC is by far the best.  They have some many options for different skin types and coverages.  Additionally, I really love the MAC recycling program- 6 recyclables for a free lipstick, eye shadow or gloss- hell yes!

5.)  Dior Show Mascara- you cannot mess with Dior.  This mascara year after year is ranked at the top of most lists.  Generally when I wear Dior show mascara, people will ask if I'm wearing fake eyelashes :)

6.) Bed Head Shampoo and Conditioner- I always rotate different brands but if I did have to pick a fave, I really love this product.  I usually buy Manic Panic and it smells like you just sliced open an orange.

7.) Pantene Detangling spray- I usually practice kung fu or swim in the evening so I shower at night and don't really blow my hair out- no need for unecessary damage.  On the rare occasions where I need to wash and go, I almost always spray in detangler- it allows me to blow out my hair without it getting too poofy or dry.

8.) Salt scrubs- I was at Bath & Body Works the other day and picked up a few free tubes with a purchase and these are really amazing for dry skin this time of year.  It's great to shower and not have the whole routine of applying lotion which can feel so greasy- these give your skin a nice glow and also get all of those dead skin cells off.

9.) Lip gloss- I am obsessed.  I have never really been much of a lipstick person- I always think it looks funny on me although I am starting to experiment more, my true love is for the gloss.  I hate having dry lips and always think it just adds a great and natural glow to your look.

10.) Men's cologne- I know it's strange but I just love how it smells and wear it all the time.  My fave is Chanel Allure.

I have a plus one- lastly and importantly, meditation.  I know what you're thinking- this is not a beauty product or service?  Meditation gives me a calm happiness and I believe that is a glow that people can see when they meet me but it's also what really helps me find my own internal happiness and beauty.


1.) Caffeine - ready... dressed... GO! JUMP OUT OF BED! SPRINT DOWN THE STAIRS! START THAT COFFEE!! I am assured that I am hopelessly addicted to the stuff. A couple years ago a friend bet me that I couldn't go a month without coffee, and i almost died. I did it. But I was dying. and as SOON AS THAT MONTH WAS OVER **ERRRRRRRRT!!** up to starbucks for a Venti, black. Coffee makes me happy. I don't care if it's bad for you or a vice. everyone can suck it. 

2.) Sunscreen - I had/have skin cancer. It is not fun. Having a man carve you up like a Thanksgiving turkey twice a year is not a good time. When I see people laying out and "tanning" in the summer I feel like that is tantamount to drinking antifreeze. Do you want to look like shit and get cancer? Then don't wear sunscreen. 

3.) Fragrance - I love smells. I do feel like you aren't completely dressed unless you have a scent on. I still to this day remember friends of mine from the perfume that they wore and am reminded of them everytime I smell some stranger wearing their fragrance. It's very neanderthal and evolutionary, but when i get close to someone and they smell good. I just melt into the floor into a pile of my own drool. Lately I am wearing Cartier 'Déclaration d'un Soir' which is a men's cologne. It smells of sandalwood and pepper and rose, and I just love it. Even when I'm staying around the house all day I'll still spray it on so I can sniff it every so often. 

4.) Sexy Shoes - DAMMIT PEOPLE wear some sexy shoes. why is ANYONE wearing sensible shoes? There is nothing that changes your posture, your attitude, your stance, your look than a pair of sky high heels. And learn how to walk in them. Just walk in them every day. Don't be a wuss, just do it. 

5.) Funny People - I try to only associate with people that I find hilarious. If you are not this way, then why should we ever talk. Funny People are entertaining and usually smart, which is also a plus. They will enrich your life and make everything more enjoyable. 

6.) A Gorgeous Winter Coat That you Love - Spend some cash on your winter coat. You are going to have to wear it over all of your fabulous clothing, and it will probably be most of what people see in the colder months. I wear one by Mackage (click here for site) Just close your eyes and pick a Mackage jacket, all of them are awesome. Find a good piece, something interesting. Good color, something that makes your body look wonderful (I always like a belted waist). Have fun with it. 

7.) MAC Studio Fix - Best cosmetic of all time. Right after I gave birth to each of my kids I would walk around wearing ONLY this and everyone told me i looked awesome and rested (I was not awesome and rested). The coverage is good, it doesn't settle. The colors are great. It matches my crazy skin tone. Get it, it will make you look amazing. 

8.) Exercise - Makes you feel good. Makes you look awesome. Apparently gives you energy? I always am exhausted after a workout. It's good for everything, and it's time to yourself. I workout in the evening after my kids go to bed, and it's a time where I can listen to my music and flip through magazines and not have someone asking me to do something for them every 2 seconds. It's blissful. 

9.) Coconut Oil - oh lord yes. where have you been all my life, Coconut Oil? I rub it on my body, face... I soak my hair in it. It's a lip gloss, cuticle moisturizer... AND... If you run out of olive oil, you can fry eggs in it (i have done this). LOL. My cousin does this "oil pulling" thing with it, which i haven't tried, but I guess it's supposed to improve your health and turn you into a superwoman. 

10.) Belts - I was going to say "Love" but Belts are more important :-) cinch EVERY WAIST. Belt everything. Never ever wear some shapeless crap sweater without belting it. Every single dress I have gets a belt put on with it. It obviously makes your waist look tiny, but ALSO the side benefit is that it makes your legs look longer too! because it creates the start of the leg-line. Boom. Pow. I'm out. 

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