Monday, December 10, 2012

Dec 10 - Vanessa *Rock for Light*

Today is an exceedingly gloomy day.

As of yesterday I had planned to do today's outfit post in the stairwell, doing some sort of handstand/parkour type pose. But it's so dark in there, that it would be impossible.

So I was thinking, "Where is there the best lighting today? YES! IN THE WORKSHOP!"
The man that owned this home before us was really into woodworking and making toys and decoys and all kinds of stuff. So we were left with this amazing workshop area (with tons of overhead light) with all these vintage powertools and crazy stuff. It's super strange and fun, I love it.

It was really hard to get this photo, I hope you're giving me a ton of credit. ahha. I fell off the bench at one point. Couldn't get under the saw... Got a splinter in my hand... But we got the shot. :-)

Vintage 1950s dress - Gift of JC
Yellow Shirt - Thrifted
Leggings - Reebok
Shoes - Target (which I purchased in 4 minutes flat on the way to my shopping trip with Tom Leyden, LOL)

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