Saturday, December 1, 2012

Liebster Blog Award!!

We WON A LIEBSTER AWARD FROM **Oh Sew Fashion** (click here for her awesome blog)

That means that she loves us and we love her and that we have this fun interview to do, so wanna hear it? Here it go:

1. What is your dream job?
I kind of feel like I am living my dream job right now. I take care of my awesome kids, and I am active in the artistic community and I get to do a lot of shopping. My life kind of is a dream. But if I had to select a salaried job, i think I would like to be a pro-beach volleyball player or professional tennis player. and then part-time as a spa treatment tester. Especially for massages. (i need one)

2. What is the reason behind your blog name?
I'm a sporty chic, and usually getting ready in the morning is kind of like a race. so I thought "READY... DRESSED... GO!" was a good name, because it implies the sort of life where you constantly feel like you're being shot out of a cannon, but you are doing it looking fly as hell. 

3. Going to an island, what are the 3 beauty products you would take?

  • SUNSCREEN, a 50 gallon drum of 100 spf sunscreen 
  • Coconut Oil - because you can use it for everything hair/skin/nails
  • Kiehl's Lip Balm - with Spf 15. it's the best ever. 

4. Favourite way to spend your free time?
Shopping and Thrifting and Vintageing. Also running and biking and walking uptown and getting cookies, going to the park with my kids. getting martinis with my lovelies, getting my nails did. 

5. If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

  • World Peace
  • 24/7/365 Sunscreen for all people
  • One massage per day for the rest of my life. 

6. Favourite item of clothing in your wardrobe?
That's a tough one. I have so many things I love. I would say maybe my vintage 1970s Pam Grier dress (see it here). I also love my Mackage winter coat. And my Nine West snake boots (see here)

7. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
I want to go to The Seychelles Islands. Don't you?

8. Favourite place to shop?

  • The Salvation Army- i find amazing stuff here
  • JoAnn Fabrics- i make amazing stuff i get from here
  • Neiman Marcus- great creative selection

9. Lipstick or lipgloss... and what's your favourite colour?
I love MAC "pink lemonade" gloss. I also like the Clinique Chubby Stick in Chunky Cherry. 

10. Who is your favourite fashion designer?
So hard to decide. As far as current... I love Kate Spade, Falguni & Shane Peacock, Alexander McQueen, Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton

11. What do you think of my blog?
I love you blog, you are a creative gorgeous wonderful woman and I love you!!

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