Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Color Block Pants = want. want. NEED NEED NEED. **cancel**

When JC and I were out shopping at BCBG MaxAzria last weekend we saw these amazing Color-Block pants hanging on the rack. I instantly fell *head-over-heels* in love. (purchase here)
They only had an XS and a S left and that obviously was not going to work for me. So I thought I'll just look them up online and give them a visual whirl. I have never seen this vivid of a color combo done in regular mass-market pants before. I was blown away, and kind of want the name and address of everyone that purchased them so that we can hang out and be friends. 

So this is how they appear on the website. I'm not loving the fit. It reminds me of the pant shape the mom would wear on "227".
 No disrespect, but not the pant shape I am looking for.

Then I also thought that maybe I have more topography of the legs than the model does in the photo... Hmm. But then as I scrolled down I found the real DEALBREAKER: they only come in a 31.5 inch inseam. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

 I got out a tape measure and literally wound down 31.5 inches. they would hit me right there. That's getting us in FULL CAPRI CATAGORY. MISSION ABORT!! MISSION ABORT!!

If they would have fit and been the length of these pants, i would have bought 5 pairs. oh well. 

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